The Practice of Hand Copying Scripture
Ten verses a day. Write ten verses a day from the book of John until you reach its end.
That was the challenge set forth by J.R. Briggs from Kairo Partnerships and one I was ready to take on.
I had never heard of “hand copying” Scripture before; I’ve dabbled in Bible journaling and drawing, but if it weren’t for J.R.’s invitation during a chapel in undergrad, I would’ve missed out on the beauty of writing Scripture.
Want to learn the biblical precedent behind hand copying and how to make it part of your Scripture engagement toolbox? I invite you to keep reading.
As soon as I shared about the hand-copying challenge with my friend, she pointed me to Journible, a book designed to streamline the Bible writing process with designated lines for each verse and space for notes. Their mission is based on Deuteronomy 17:18, which says:
“When he sits on the throne as king, he must copy for himself this body of instruction on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests.”
This was the law for Israel’s kings, and though the law is not binding anymore because of Christ, it still contains principles pertinent to our lives today.
“He must always keep that copy with him and read it daily as long as he lives. That way he will learn to fear the LORD his God by obeying all the terms of these instructions and decrees.” (v.19)
Did you catch the reasoning behind it? It is to fear the LORD his God. When the king transcribed the sacred words of the Bible, he would learn to fear the Lord by obeying all his words. And guess what? It has the same effect on us. When we slow down to carefully write each word, God is working his sanctification in us. Our retention improves, we cling to words we would’ve otherwise ignored, and verse by verse, our fear of the Lord grows. We see him anew, faces glowing with a rekindled understanding of the Word.
As our fear grows, so does our affection and obedience.
Ready to dive in? Here are three tips to maximize your hand copying of Scripture!
1. Get a journal you like.
This might seem like a no-brainer, but choosing the right journal might just be the decisive factor in starting your hand-copying journey. Do you love Bible verses or inspirational quotes? Like a specific color? Choose a journal you are excited to pick up and see how it transforms your routine.
I love Journible for its organization; however, if you are looking for more lively designs, I suggest Daily Grace Co, Hosanna Revival, or Grit & Virtue journals.
2. Take it slow
When J.R. extended the hand copying challenge three years ago, he invited us to write ten verses a day. Sometimes, I would do less but rarely would I do more than that. The key is not completion but a transformed heart through the writing and meditation of Scripture. That can only happen when we move at the Spirit’s pace, slowly and intentionally pouring into each verse.
3. Do it with a friend.
The same friend who recommended Journible joined me in writing out John and what a gift that was. Having a friend to hand copy passages and even entire books of the Bible will keep you accountable, open your eyes to new perspectives, and grow your appreciation for a community-based approach to reading Scripture.
Ready to start? You can do shorter books of the Bible, several passages at a time, or dive head-first into a longer book of your liking. Whatever you choose, I pray that your fear of the Lord increases, igniting a more profound love for the Lord your God.
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