Featured Writing
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With so many voices flooding our social media grids and populating our news outlets, it’s easy to ignore the voice of our God, who knows us best. This is especially true when we look at ourselves in the mirror, tempted to compare ourselves to others or even our past selves. Shame might be a product of the fall, but the truth is embodied by our King and Savior, Jesus Christ, and it’s available to all who come to him.
While we may not always like what we see in the mirror, God has already called our bodies good, and Jesus came to dismantle any lies that say otherwise.
It’s easy to let resolutions be the one thing reigning over our minds as we conjure the best action plan for the year ahead. Or even as we beat ourselves up for not following through with our goals. Yet, in light of God’s salvation, we don’t have to try so hard to reach an impossible standard—Christ already met that standard for us at the cross. Instead, we can stand firm in his victory, receiving his grace and seeking to honor him with God-glorifying thoughts and resolutions. We can hold loosely to our resolutions, trusting that God ultimately has the best plan to advance his glorious name.
But what do we do when last year’s failures and new year anxieties threaten to hijack our minds? How do we set our minds on God-honoring goals?
As God’s carefully designed workmanship, we have a new calling to do good works in response to his salvation. And when we rest in the truth of his salvation, we can confidently work as an act of worship to honor God and serve others.
When viewed in light of the gospel, our work can be done from a place of grace, not striving or approval.
But what do we do when the intrusive lies about our work threaten to overcome us? God calls us to meditate on what’s true (Phil. 4:8), so here are three gospel-centered truths to soothe our anxious minds:
“The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” (Deuteronomy 29:29, ESV)
Some things only belong to God, including the understanding behind why certain things happen the way they do. But all the knowledge we need to trust him is revealed throughout Scripture. While I still didn’t get it, and my physical pain didn’t diminish, God was faithful to provide as I obeyed his commandments. He provided abounding comforts, peace as I ate, and delight in him, his people, and His Word.